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The Benefits of Having an Entrepreneur Therapist With Danielle Swimm
Danielle Swimm is a Consultant and the Founder of The Entrepreneurial Therapist, a coaching and consulting company where she helps therapists start and scale their private practices. Officially launched in January 2022, Danielle hosts The Entrepreneurial Therapist podcast, where you can find an episode that leaves you feeling motivated, inspired, and ready to take action to build the practice of your dreams. She is also the Therapist and Founder of Collide Behavioral Health, a holistic mental health and eating disorder therapy practice. Danielle is passionate about helping female entrepreneurs push beyond their fears and learn the power of mindset, marketing, and systems. She is a mother of a 2-year-old, enjoys yoga, and hikes in her free time.In this episode…Have you dreamed about owning your own business? Do you know what it takes to start and run a successful business? Budding entrepreneurs sometimes lack the resources they need to get started in the right direction. Unfortunately, academics simply teach you specific skills to go out in the world and work for someone else. Although owning a business is not for the faint of heart, you should allow yourself to break the mold and dream bigger. Luckily, some people are experts that can get you started down the right path. Danielle Swimm felt that there was a need for more information on overcoming imposter syndrome, starting, and running a business. Now she shares her journey of starting and running The Entrepreneurial Therapist and how she teaches people to chart their own entrepreneurial path and learn how mindset, marketing, and systems are integral to success. In this episode of The Power of Authority Spotlight, Michelle Prince sits down with Danielle Swimm, Consultant and Founder of The Entrepreneurial Therapist, to discuss the kind of help that entrepreneurs need to help them start, grow, and scale a business. Danielle talks about The Entrepreneurial Therapist, the importance of having more resources on how to start a business, how she's building authority in her business through Instagram, and her advice for new entrepreneurs.