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The COA Chronicles: NLP Meets THC | Cannabis Data Science #76
🚯 Today we underscore the usefulness of archiving cannabis lab results. Following the principle of "never throw away data", we archive 5,500 lab results performed by SC Labs that have since vanished from the internet.🛣️ As straightforward as the task may seem, nuances of human language are critical in parsing lab results. We realize that we need to use natural language processing (NLP) in our COA data extraction efforts, months before ChatGPT hit the scene. This is a phenomenal blast from the past and hopefully you find a nugget or two of wisdom.🤝 Join the fun, data wrangling, and analytics in the Cannabis Data Science meetup, every Wednesday at 8:30am PST | 10:30am CDT | 11:30am EST. https://www.meetup.com/cannabis-data-science/🧑💻 Find the data and source code: https://github.com/cannlytics/....cannabis-data-scienc Support the group: https://opencollective.com/cannlytics-company🔥 Check out Cannlytics: https://cannlytics.com