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The Goal Is The Journey W/ Lawton Makovic
Host Chaz Wolfe brings on Lawton Makovic, a 7+ figure king in the real estate industry. Lawton is the CEO of One Roof Real Estate out of Wichita, Kansas. Lawton moved into real estate as a teenager and has maintained that passion to grow his wealth to where it is today. In this episode, Chaz and Lawton talk about playing the game, the importance of vetting your people, and how to stand out among the competition. Tune in now to learn from Lawton’s years of experience and passion for real estate so you, too, can grow your business to 7 figures and beyond! During this episode, you will learn about;
[01:30] Lawton’s sign in his office[03:23] Intro to Lawton and his businesses[04:02] Why Lawton continues to push[09:01] What winning looks like for Lawton[11:38] How Lawton got into real estate[18:14] A good decision Lawton made[24:32] How Lawton understood real estate through flipping houses[31:59] A bad decision Lawton made[39:12] One trackable metric Lawton would use[45:17] Lawton’s book recommendation[45:33] Lawton’s thoughts on masterminding[46:27] If Lawton lost it all what would he do?[48:48] How to connect with Lawton[49:34] How to connect with Chaz and info on the GTK 90 day intensive
Notable Quotes
“I celebrate little victories.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“Getting from zero to a hundred thousand was way harder than getting from a hundred thousand to a million.” - Lawton Makovic
“You've gotta differentiate yourself no matter what.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“I got tired of helping other people create wealth in real estate. I was getting paid from a transactional perspective. If I broke my leg and couldn't show houses, because I can't hobble around, I'm outta money. I have no job.” - Lawton Makovic
“We've kept the same core group of guys for three, four years, and I'm really, really proud of that because nobody keeps the same core contractors for more than 90 days or a year.” - Lawton Makovic
“When it comes to hiring, it boils down to, are you a ‘but’ or an ‘and’?” - Lawton Makovic
“If tomorrow the world melted and everything went away and I went to zero. On Wednesday, I would open up shop and know what to do.” - Lawton Makovic
“Find your passion and find a way to get paid for it.” - Lawton Makovic
Books and Resources Recommended:
Winning by Tim Groverhttps://www.amazon.com/Winning-Unforgiving-Race-Greatness-Grover-ebook/dp/B08LF3LD7S
Leadership and Self Deception by the Arbinger Institutehttps://www.amazon.com/Leadership-Self-Deception-Getting-Out-Box/dp/1576759776
Let’s Connect!
Lawton Makovic:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICTlawtonLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lawton-makovec-93267b9a/Instagram: @lawtonmakovec Alt. Instagram and TIkTok: @oneroofre
Chaz Wolfe (Host): Website: https://www.chazwolfe.com/gathering-the-kings.htmlFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/chazwolfe/