The Incentives Of Hosting | Everyone Needs To Win

0 Views· 09/20/23
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Let's encourage our hosts to be even more hospitable. In Ep#50 we're going to analyse why podcast hosting companies shut down, integrating v4v as a business and how you could do it all by yourself (or with some peers).<br />Huge thanks to The Bearded Tek, Sam Sethi, Chad F, James Cridland & Boobury for supporting the show. Loving the live boosts!<br />15% of this episode is going to Cameron for providing an important building block and his behind the scenes work.<br />5% of this is also going to IPFS hosting so if you want some sats, have a think about favouriting this episode.<br />Handy links:Feed Your Brand: Pontifications: Hosting: Github:<br /><br />Value 4 Value Support:Boostagram:<br />Connect with Mere Mortals:Website:

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