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The Inflation Reduction Act
Image by Laurynas Mereckas via Unsplash On August 16th of this year, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the first legislation allowing Medicare to negotiate and lower the prices of prescription drugs for its enrollees. The signing of this act is a landmark win in the fight for affordable health care costs, as medications such as Medicare-covered insulin and vaccines will cost enrollees a fraction of what they once did. On this podcast, registered nurse Diana Mason, PhD, RN hosts HealthCetera correspondent Liz Seegert, Association of Health Care Journalists’ topic leader on aging, for a discussion about what the Inflation Reduction Act entails, how its enactment will affect Medicare enrollees, and what changes can be expected over the next few years. This podcast first aired on HealthCetera in the Catskills on WIOX Radio in September of 2022.