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The Inner Artist With Garrain Jones
It was an honor to have the opportunity to interview Garrain Jones. The words that come to mind after having a conversation with this superhero are courage, integrity, authenticity and PERSEVERANCE. Garrain's story is absolutely amazing and this conversation will have you on the edge of your seat. Garrain Jones is an author, speaker and facilitator who is dedicated to helping you awaken your inner artist and tap into the abundance frequency. His bestselling book, Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life, teaches how to lead an extraordinary life without regret.Garrain's powerful personal journey spans from a near death experience at four years old, juvenile detention in his teens, a prison sentence, a music career in Los Angeles that included a record deal with Ludacris and Def Jam, homelessness and then becoming one of the most sought after personal transformation speakers.He has been featured in media worldwide including Forbes and Impact Theory. His story was told in a National Geographic documentary, Locked Up Abroad, which shared the journey of his prison sentence in France.Garrain's Awaken The Artist Within Retreat is attended by billionaires, CEOs and industry leaders.Learn more about him at: https://garrainjones.com/Instagram Handle:: garrain.jonesBuilding Men InstagramBuilding Men WebsiteBuilding Men YouTubeBuilding Men FacebookWork with Dennis as your 1 on 1 coach The Foundation Virtual Coaching Group for Young MenIf our podcast resonates with you, please consider rating, reviewing and sharing it with anyone who you believe would benefit from the message.Visit our sponsors - Chop Club For MenFinish The Race – Home of the official Building Men gear