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The Kinsey Report – Part 2
As Dr. Alfred Kinsey begins his foray into sex research in 1938, he faces a rising tide of controversy at Indiana University, and is soon confronted with an ultimatum. While his research develops and his methodology takes shape, Kinsey is forced to reckon with hard truths about sex – and himself.
SOURCES:Allen, Judith A. The Kinsey Institute: The First Seventy Years. 2017.Brenot, Phillipe. The Story of Sex. 2016. D’Emilio, John. Freedman, Estelle. Intimate Matters: The History of Sexuality in America. 1988.Donna J. Drucker, “‘A Noble Experiment’: The Marriage Course at Indiana University, 1938-1940,” IMH September 2007, Brett. Dirty Works. Obscenity on Trial in America’s First Sexual Revolution. 2021.Hardy, Gathorne. Sex: The Measure of All Things: A Life of Alfred C. Kinsey. 1998.Hegarty, Peter. Gentlemen’s Disagreement. 2013.Jones, James H. Alfred C. Kinsey: A Life. 1997.Wimpee, Rachel. Iacobell, Teresa. “Funding a Sexual Revolution: The Kinsey Reports.” Jan 9 2020. Rockefeller Archive Center. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit