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The Mandela (Tapestry) Effect | COOP THERAPY #26.5
* COOP THERAPY #26.5 *You're an adult.. Take the tapestry off your wall. Enjoy :)----------------------------------------Listen on Spotify: http://rb.gy/6waxaListen on Apple Podcasts:http://rb.gy/bvowo------------....-------------------- us on Instagram!Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/cooptherapy...Laura: https://www.instagram.com/laurababyy13/Trevor: https://www.instagram.com/tgna....rland/-------------- of us are licensed medical professionals. Any advice or guidance is strictly for entertainment purposesA.I. - In this video, we dive into a wide range of topics as two individuals engage in playful and humorous conversations. From discussing their plans for the summer to their memories and fears surrounding traumatic experiences, we get a glimpse into their unique perspectives. They also delve into the intriguing concept of the Mandela effect, where memories can differ from reality. Additionally, they touch on various red flags in home decor, the annoyance of sand, their misinterpretation of song lyrics, and their disdain for certain words like 'chugy'. Throughout the video, their banter and witty exchanges keep the conversation entertaining and lighthearted. So sit back, relax, and join these individuals as they explore different aspects of life, memories, and quirks in this comical and engaging video.