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The Saga of The Sun
Take a look into some interesting facts about our sun! From the unimaginable size of it, to its far off death, this episode covers some of the most amazing details about our home star!<br/><br/><br/>Website:<br/> https://spaceminutes.buzzsprout.com<br/>Instagram<br/>https://www.instagram.com/spaceminutespodcast/<br/><br/>Written by: Owen Summer<br/><br/>If you you're into horror and audio dramas, check out my other podcast "The Formiddread Horror"<br/>https://theformiddreadhorror.buzzsprout.com<br/><br/><br/>References:<br/>Sun in depthhttps://solarsystem.nasa.gov/s....olar-system/sun/in-d Nebulahttps://www.britannica.com/sci....ence/solar-nebulaSun deathhttps://www.space.com/14732-sun-burns-star-death.html<br/><br/>