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The Three Types of Ablative Laser Treatments
Highlights: How skincare and lasers go hand in hand (00:00) Why resurfacing is a better option than surgery for lines and wrinkles (00:56) Understanding what an ablative laser is and the 3 types of treatment options (01:38) The NanoLaserPeel treatment (02:00) MicroLaserPeel treatment and the differences between this and the NanoLaserPeel (03:27) Full Field Laser Resurfacing and why it’s one of Dr. Hall’s favorites in terms of results (05:54) Links:Dr. Jason Hall, MD Shop my top skin care picks: Get our Favorite Products HERE!! Website: https://drjasonhall.com/ Twitter: twitter.com/jhallmd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jhallmd/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrHallPlasticSurgery/
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