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The Tie - Premium Digital Asset Data
Josh Frank is the CEO and Co-Founder of The Tie - a Premium Digital Asset Data provider for institutions. Why you should listen The Tie’s core offering, The Tie Terminal, is the fastest and most comprehensive platform for institutional digital asset market participants. With its unmatched breadth and depth of data coverage, combined with a suite of powerful, customizable tools, The Terminal provides an all-in-one solution to stay on top of the crypto market. The Tie has a large range of datasets and dashboards, for example, the Tie Terminal Funds Screener provides a real-time feed of the most recent fundraises in the crypto space, with each fund's most recent amount raised, the number of new investors in that raise, as well as aggregated totals. The Funds Screener has advanced filtration capabilities that enable you to discover opportunities that meet specific criteria. For example, identify any firm that has raised $25M+ in aggregate, raised capital since January 1st, and has made investments in 10+ crypto projects. Clicking any fund within the Funds Screener will take you to a dedicated profile, where you'll find a breakout of the fund's investments, granular details around capital they've raised, as well as news, headcount growth, company descriptions, and other key metrics. The Tie’s primary clientele includes traditional and crypto-native hedge funds, OTC desks, market makers, banks, and other institutional market participants. Supporting links Bitget VIP Link The Tie Andy on Twitter Brave New Coin on Twitter Brave New Coin If you enjoyed the show please subscribe to the Crypto Conversation and give us a 5-star rating and a positive review in whatever podcast app you are using.