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The Veteran's Playbook: Building an Award-Winning VA Training Company with Amanda Johnson
This week’s guest proves her take on how great things require time, and it’s especially true when it comes to developing expertise and skill in any field. There’s no roundabout way to do it, no magic pill, but a journey that spans years of learning, practicing, failing, and improving.
And the truth is, overnight success stories are rare. It took Amanda Johnson years of hard work to prove how military veterans can thrive as entrepreneurs after leaving the armed forces.
For those of you who haven’t heard of Amanda Johnson, she’s someone who spent 23 years in the Royal Navy before retiring in 2012, and then went on to learn how to be a Virtual Assistant under a VA training company.
By 2014, Amanda had already taken over that same training business, VACT Limited, initially running it alongside her own VA company. Eventually, she realized the training business had more longevity and potential for scale. She sold her VA business to fully focus on training and growing VACT Limited.
Now, when Amanda took over VACT Limited, it was a small operation providing VA training courses. She set to work scaling and growing the business from the ground up. She developed new training programs and course offerings to attract a broader client base. But she didn’t stop there, she soon upgraded the business infrastructure, processes, and systems to support even larger projects.
Amanda credits her military background for giving her the discipline, planning skills, and work ethic needed to build a thriving enterprise from minimal resources. The military instilled in her a "can do" attitude of overcoming obstacles and achieving goals through perseverance.
Her business focuses on providing authentic, real-world training that helps clients succeed in setting up and growing their VA or outsourcing businesses. She prioritizes giving students the hard skills, tools, and confidence they need to transition into running a scalable business.
Tune in to The Boss Your Business Podcast to hear Amanda Johnson’s entrepreneurial backstory, how our mindset is vital when it comes to building a thriving business venture, and some special advice for other veterans looking to start their own company.
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ClickUp https://askyvi.tips/clickupEvernote https://evernote.com/Google Suite https://workspace.google.com/Adobe Products https://www.adobe.com/ActiveCampaign https://askyvi.tips/activecampaignMailchimp https://mailchimp.com/Ahrefs https://ahrefs.com/Canva https://www.canva.com/Zoom https://zoom.us/Skype https://www.skype.com/en/Fathom https://fathom.video/
--------------๐ Meet Guest:
Website: www.vact.co.ukTwitter: https://twitter.com/vatrainingproInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/va_mentorFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Virtu....alAssistantTrainingA https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandaconstancejohnson
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--------------๐ Highlights ๐
0:00 | Introduction2:14 | Military Life and the Struggles during the service 6:57 | An idea from an inconvenience 9:54 | The importance of proper mindset and building relationships with people13:47 | Protecting your Brand but at what cost21:12 | Contracts and how much it matters 22:42 | The Pain of Setting Healthy Boundaries 24:47 | Trus