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Thursday, June 29: Annoying TV Commercials; Dumb Ass News; Flashlight Stuck In An Odd Place
Comedian Pat Oates took over Top 10 duty for Officer Joe, and all the guesses for his "Most Annoying TV Commercials" immediately led to AJ singing along. (0:00)
Connoisseur Media CEO Jeff Warshaw was on with Chaz and AJ to talk about the Pizza and Brew fest, his pizza trip to Naples, and the trip he's taking with Chaz today, to Una Dolce Vita in Bridgeport. (17:39)
Dumb Ass News - A man's can of deodorant was recovered from an odd place, and the jokes practically wrote themselves. (26:48)
After hearing about the man from Dumb Ass News, Jenny from West Haven called in some the notable cases she's seen in her career at a big hospital. (31:06)
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