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TL:DL - First Episodes Debrief
So far, we’ve heard from four remarkable founders who have given us some fantastic insights into what it's taken them to build their companies.In this episode, I thought we'd recap some of the key lessons we’ve learned. I'll also share some of the lessons I've learned working with a broad range of startups over the last 10 plus years.Highlights in this episode(2:42) Discovering product market fit.(5:15) Don’t build for a single customer.(7:55) The role of content and thought-leadership.(10:13) Hiring the first sales person.(14:13) The importance of strategic partnerships.(16:28) The importance of customer retention.(18:31) Don’t give up faith.For more information:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philipguest/Website: https://www.revcelerate.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilGuesty