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Toughen Up
The Constitution Commandos [00:00] I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,And to the Republic for which it stands,One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.[00:15] Sign up for our weekly emails to get notifications about new episodes I publish, exclusive content, and you will receive your own copy of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States. Listen to The Constitution CommandosSupport The Constitution Commandos America has been so sheltered so much that our youngest generation of people are soft and weak. Today's younger generations don't have a clue what it is to be tough and it will be the demise of the greatest nation on the planet throughout all of history. It is time for America to Toughen Up.Kids in our Generation (Generation X)We rode bicycles without seatsWe made wooden ramps, balanced on concrete bricksWe ramped over people on our bikesWe weren't required to wear helmetsWe drank water straight from the water hose<br/>Experience FreedomGet scraped up a littleGet your face busted up in a fight<br/>The Gun-Grabbing MovementWhen we were in high school, there were hundreds of guns on campusWe didn't have school shootingsIf everyone had a gun, there would be far less crime<br/>The People are in Fear of the GovernmentPeople are afraid of repercussions from the governmentThere enough people with that fear that it scares them to stand with neighbors<br/>Support The Constitution CommandosThis podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.To Solve the Problem of Fear of the GovernmentLose the fear of the governmentIf your neighbor is being screwed, go help themthe government can't take us allPosse Comitatus Act<br/>Ripped off Through RegulationsValdez Oil spillEPA crushed Alaska on fuel productionTrump eliminated many of the regulations that hindered productionRegulations are primarily in place for making the government money<br/>American EconomyCapitalism is the economic system in AmericaMonopolies are killing the future of AmericaAntitrust Laws<br/>Research ReferencesThe Antitrust Laws | Federal Trade Commission