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Transformed by Alopecia: McKenna Reitz's Journey to Becoming an Inspiring Leader
Episode 68 features McKenna Reitz - a TEDx speaker who challenges men and women to reframe life’s challenges into gifts and opportunities so they can pursue their purpose with clarity and confidence. After losing all her hair due to Alopecia, McKenna uses her journey of having this autoimmune disease to help others overcome the loss in their life by resetting the mindset of their “loss” into growth and opportunities in their lives. She teaches AP psychology and coaches varsity volleyball where she empowers the next generation of student athletes to stay on the path of being the best version of themselves. Mckenna has appeared on Good Morning America, the Jennifer Hudson Show, and many other media outlets. IG: @mckennareitzWebsite: https://www.mckennareitz.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mckennareitz/
Shop Now: www.theinspiredathlete.comBuy “The Inspired Athlete” 📖 here: https://amzn.to/3COPbJDSubscribe and hit the bell for more!!Comment below what inspires you the most from this episode!
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In This Episode We Discuss:VulnerabilityAlopeciaCourageLeadershipPower of Positive Self TalkEmotional IntelligenceMuch More!<br/>