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True Colors
"It's the learning fuckin' nothin', Al, that keeps me young."Welcome to another captivating episode of "Something Pretty," where Wes and Clay dive deep into the third episode of Deadwood's third and final season, "True Colors." In this thought-provoking podcast, the hosts explore the multifaceted themes and intricacies of the episode.One of the central themes discussed is the revelation of George Hearst's "true colors." Wes and Clay dissect how Hearst's character becomes front and center as he grapples with adversity and interacts with those he deems beneath him. Their analysis sheds light on the complexity of Hearst's character and how he navigates the power dynamics of Deadwood.The podcast also delves into the marital strife between Alma and Ellsworth. Wes and Clay offer a nuanced examination of their relationship, highlighting their challenges and their characters' emotional depth. This exploration provides valuable insights into the human dynamics at play in Deadwood.Another intriguing aspect of the episode that the hosts explore is the meandering adventures of Bryan Cox's theater troupe. Wes and Clay dissect how this subplot adds layers to the Deadwood narrative, offering moments of humor and reflection amidst the broader drama.Throughout the podcast, Wes and Clay showcase their keen ear for the show's exceptional dialogue. They highlight various great lines of dialogue from the episode, emphasizing how Deadwood's writing remains a standout feature, even in its final season."Something Pretty" isn't just a podcast; it's a gateway to a deeper understanding of Deadwood's rich storytelling and character development. Wes and Clay's insightful analysis invites listeners to appreciate the subtleties and complexities of the series.To support "Something Pretty" and ensure the podcast's continued exploration of Deadwood's final season, consider becoming a patron on their Patreon. Your support will enable Wes and Clay to deliver engaging discussions and fresh perspectives on this iconic show.Links:Support "Something Pretty" on PatreonListen to our other podcastsYouTubeJoin our DiscordSupplemental Reading:The Deadwood Bible: A Lie Agreed UponDeadwood: Stories of the Black HillsDeadwood: The Golden YearsReading Deadwood: A Western to Swear ByLife's WorkTheme Song: Western ShowDown by HoliznaCC0