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Turning the Tables on Holiday Traditions: A Holiday Season Survival Guide
Uh oh. The holidays are already upon us again. 'Tis the season, so they say, and while many people are giddy with excitement, some of us enter the holiday season with feelings of trepidation, anxiety, and grief. Even if you have a festive spirit and love the rituals and traditions of the season, it’s still a stressful time because there are so many more expectations, demands, and disruptions to our daily lives. That stress is made even worse if you struggle with your mental health, have experienced a recent trauma or loss, have an abusive or dysfunctional family, feel the pain of loneliness, struggle with financial insecurity, or are even simply neurodivergent. In this episode, we’re exploring how we can turn the tables on holiday traditions, push back against the pressures, find a little more joy and peace for ourselves, and generally just survive the season with our sanity intact. If you’re enjoying the podcast, please, don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe. If you’d like to become a patron we are at www.patreon.com/differentfunctional We also now have merch! You can find a link to it on our homepage at www.differentfunctional.com