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Unnecessary Touching
Humankind is a herd animal. We function best in groups. Thus, by instinct, we crave human connections. ‘Feeling’ may be one of the five senses through which we experience the world, but touching another human is an intimate sensation. A hand shake represents peace and brotherhood. A shoulder grab shows empathy. An innocent brushing of a hand against someone else’s can ignite a fluttering of heartstrings. But our scattered hamlets have now developed into overflowing mega-metropolises.’ Our cities have become so crowded that it has become nearly impossible to not touch other humans. The subways have become sardine cans. The sidewalks are mazes of shoulder jostling. An elevator is a Pandoras Box of germs and disease. Grab your buddy’s hand as Mat, Veronique, and Guest: Kathryn Anible combat, hand-to-hand, the plague of Unnecessary Touching! *Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble. ____________________ Support the show and become a Grumble Kid! Patreon.com/GrumbleGoat Join the adventure in Mat’s novel!!! Amazon | Audible ____________________ Follow Kathryn on Insta: msnible For more information or to share: GrumbleGoatPodcast.com Grumble Goat on Instagram | Facebook | TikTok Follow your hosts: Mat | Veronique The post Unnecessary Touching appeared first on Mat Labotka.