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Unveiling Paranormal Secrets w/ Two Renowned Paranormal Researchers!
In this episode of Talking With The Source, the guys are joined by Robert Hodges of the petrol Paranormal, and nando Desario of portal to the Paranormal! Join us as we discuss everything from the Zak Bagans controversy to the paranormal field, and how it’s being affected by Youtubers, who fake evidence, and make a bad name for all of us! This is a very controversial episode so be forewarned! Don’t forget to visit Talking With The Source is official website for Paranormal evidence links to all of our locations for our shows sponsors, and much much more:https://linktr.ee/talkingwiththesourceAlso, don’t forget to follow us on TikTok for all short clips of each episode! As well as following us on social media, YouTube, and all podcast listening platforms!