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Unveiling The Enigma: The Paranormal Research of Bill Slevin
Come and join the fascinating discussion on Talking With The Source! In this episode, we are honored to have Bill Slevin, Founder of The Paranormal Existence Research Society and Regional Director for the southeast part of the management team for The Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research. Delve into the intriguing world of Bill's past and present investigations, as well as his most compelling research to date. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking conversation, streaming live this Sunday at 1pm EST, 6pm GMT exclusively on Talking With The Source! Spread the word and be a part of this viral event!Don’t forget to follow Talking With The Source on all social media and podcast listening platforms! Find all of our links below at our official website along with some other awesome stuff like paranormal evidence as well!https://linktr.ee/talkingwiththesource