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UT #50: Dealing with Porn Addictions, Pakistan Crisis, Moving out of India
About Unapologetic Truths:
This is a podcast by Harsh Strongman (LifeMathMoney) and Arman (ArmaniTalks) on common sense, self-improvement, life advice, finance, culture, careers, making sense of the world, and more.
This podcast is NOT politically correct and is not made for the weak minded (We say it how we see it). You have been warned.
Hit subscribe if you're interested.
Listen/download the podcast version of this episode here:
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00:00 Intro - Episode 50
1:00 Don’t spit on a bouncer while drunk
17:30 Review of TMAD (Two Meals a Day)
23:35 Onlyfans
30:51 Porn Addiction
37:00 Pornstars and lawyers
49:53 Youth in Indian Villages
1:02:57 Pakistan Documentary & Current Events
1:10:50 People in Ghettos
1:25:00 Confusing Caste system for marriages
1:36:55 African culture
1:41:45 British Invasion of India
1:47:30 Moving out of India
1:56:18 Listener Question 1) OK-sy7st – Episode 48
1:59:15 Listener Remark 1) karansatnamsingh
2:02:42 Listener Remark 2) EG6GSR
2:04:33 Listener Question 2) manojtiwari6971 – Episode 48
2:05:03 Listener Question 3) shivanshupandey2805 – Episode 48
2:07:10 Listener Question 3) Divakar8909 – Episode 47
2:08:10 Listener Question 3) eshansingh5232 – Episode 47
2:10:32 Outro
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🎤Armani's Mic: https://amzn.to/3CjOh5E