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Venture Capital investing in FemTech with Fusion Fund - Ep 185
Lu Zhang is the Founder and Managing Partner of Fusion Fund, a renowned Silicon Valley based investor, a serial entrepreneur, and a Stanford Engineering alumna. Lu was recently selected as one of the Best 25 Female Early-stage Investors by Business Insider (2021). As one of the top female investors in America, Lu's story was a case study of the UN Women Leaders in Action series, she was a World Economic Forum – Young Global Leader (Class of 2018), as well as the Featured Honoree in VC of Forbes 30 Under 30 (2017). Prior to starting Fusion Fund, she was the Founder and CEO of a medical device company focused on non-invasive technology for the early diagnosis of Type II diabetes. Lu is a frequent speaker at tech events and conferences and also serves as a mentor and advisor to several tech innovation programs in Silicon Valley. Lu is the board member and chairman of the Youth Council of Future Forum and Future Science Award.Fusion Fund supports early-stage entrepreneurs who are looking to build globally disruptive companies using innovative technologies to drive systemic change. We are entering the next wave of technological advancement and foundational innovation is required to enable massive growth. With Fusion Fund’s technical and entrepreneurial backgrounds, we seek to support entrepreneurs who are building companies with strong technical barriers and advantages in their business models. Fusion Fund explores both established industries and nascent markets as we search for the next teams of entrepreneurs. Areas we have strong conviction include: network technology, connected industry, AI, Health + medical, deep tech.@FusionFundVC @luzhangvcPodcast Link: https://link.chtbl.com/FemTechFocusSocial HandlesLinkedin: @FemTech Focus @Brittany BarretoTwitter: @Femtech_Focus @DrBrittBInstagram: @FemTechFocus @DrBrittanyBarretoFacebook: @FemTech Focus @Dr. Brittany BarretoFemTech Focus Bio:FemTech Focus is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded to bring awareness externally and internally for the FemTech industry and to empower the key stakeholders including entrepreneurs, investors, physicians, governments, and biopharma with resources and research to elevate women’s health and wellness globally. Subscribe and Donate: www.femtechfocus.orgFemTech Focus Podcast Description:The FemTech Focus Podcast with Dr. Brittany Barreto is a meaningfully provocative conversational series that brings women's health experts - including doctors, scientists, inventors, and founders - on air to talk about the innovative technology, services, and products that are improving women, female, and girl's health and wellness, collectively known as FemTech. The podcast gives the host, Dr. Brittany Barreto, and guests an engaging, friendly environment to learn about the past, present, and future of women’s health and wellness.