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Vincible with Thomas Boehmer
Chef Thomas Boehmer loves quality cigars, spirits and banter, so it was due time that he joined Libations for Everyone for a VERY healthy serving of each.Learn about Thomas' southern roots and how they lent themselves to what would eventually become Revival, the ebbs and flows of the creative process, his experience as a luthier, his fondest memories of his classic restaurants Corner Table and In Bloom, hunger inducing stories about barbecuing whole-hog porchetta and whole quarters of beef, and all of this: 🥂 What is your celebration ritual for life's big and small victories? 🔥 What advice would you impart to someone who is just learning to cook in the great outdoors, or wants to improve at it? 🍳 Do you love or hate having company around you while you are cooking or grilling? 🍗 What does your perfect fried chicken plate consist of?🧘♂️ What does a perfect day of solitude and relaxation look like for you? ...and then some. Disclaimer: this episode is going to make you very hungry. Gather 'round! This ep of LFE is proudly presented by Plift. High on taste. Low on calories. Plift is a delicious hemp-infused beverage for any occasion — social, solo, and anywhere in between.Beverage of ChoiceThe hosts and their guest drank:Erstwhile Mezcal EspadinFIND USFacebook | Instagram