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VIP AUDIO 2/10 – PWTorch Dailycast – All Elite Conversation Club (AD-FREE): Dehnel & Kanner talk this week’s AEW shows and the build to Revolution, top 20 AEW TV stars and whether they are heels or faces (136 min.)
SHOW SUMMARY: In this episode of All Elite Conversation Club, Joel Dehnel and Gregg Kanner dive into all the latest and upcoming AEW shows, including the build to Revolution. They take email questions and talk through the top 20 AEW television stars and whether they would be considered a heel or face. KEY LINKS… PWTorch VIP membership… – Or support us on Patreon… – Subscribe to our YouTube Channel with new daily content… – DIRECT LINK: VIP AUDIO LINK NOT VIP? NO PROBLEM… CLICK HERE FOR VIP SIGN UP INFO
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