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VIP AUDIO 9/13 – The Fix Flashback (8-17-2016): Review of Jeanie Clark’s book on her life married to Steve Austin and Chris Adams with World Class insights, Punk FS1 documentary, Funk documentary, G1, Raw, Smackdown, Billy Corgan (160 min.)
SHOW SUMMARY: In the latest Flashback episode of The Fix with Todd Martin & Wade Keller, we jump back just over seven years to the August 17, 2016 episodes covering these topics: In part one of this week’s series of episodes of The Fix with PWTorch columnist Todd Martin hosted by PWTorch editor Wade Keller, these topics are covered: The surprising outcome of the G1 Climax tournament with Kenny Omega winning and Goto’s path to the finals. Analysis of the final Raw and Smackdown before Summerslam. Reaction to Billy Corgan becoming Impact Wrestling president. The new Grand National Title with new rules and can the new rules build interest in a special title, and Damien Sandow/Aaron Rex’s debut performance. Preview of ROH Friday NXT Saturday Summerslam Sunday. Review of the new Terry Funk documentary A review of Jeanie Clarke’s new book on her life in pro wrestling as Lady Blossom married to Chris Adams and Steve Ausin and hanging with Gino Hernandez, Kevin Von Erich’s unintentionally hilarious forward. The C.M. Punk FS1 documentary and whether Todd thinks Punk looks ready for a UFC fight. UFC 202 Diaz vs. McGregor full card preview. DIRECT LINK: VIP AUDIO LINK NOT VIP? NO PROBLEM… CLICK HERE FOR VIP SIGN UP INFO