VIP AUDIO 9/16 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago – Post-PPV Roundtable on TNA Unbreakable: Keller leads convos about Samoa Joe vs. Styles vs. Daniels, Roderick Strong vs. Aries, Jeff Hardy vs. Roode, Abyss vs. Sabu, Raven vs. Rhino (78 min.)
SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to our post-PPV coverage of the TNA Unbreakable PPV from Sept. 11, 2005. First up was a rapid-fire post-event analysis with PWTorch editor Wade Keller and PWTorch columnist Pat McNeill providing fapid-fire analysis of the TNA Unbreakable PPV including stand-out match with A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe, plus Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode, Abyss vs. Sabu, Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong, Raven vs. Rhino, and more for about 20 minutes. Then in the main full length PPV Roundtable Podcast, PWTorch columnists Bruce Mitchell and James Caldwell discuss the event in even more detail for nearly an hour. This is another episode in our VIP Podcast Vault series going back to our earliest podcasts. We will continue to present VIP Podcasts from 18 years ago exclusively for PWTorch VIP members on our VIP Podcast Feed. DIRECT LINK: VIP AUDIO LINK NOT VIP? NO PROBLEM… CLICK HERE FOR VIP SIGN UP INFO