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Vision Driven W/ Derek Dombeck
Host Chaz Wolfe brings on Derek Dombeck, a 7+ figure king in the real estate industry. Derek is the owner of Best REI Funding LLC out of Wisconsin, where all of his lending is privately funded. Derek also runs his own mastermind group where he’s able to equip other entrepreneurs desiring to develop themselves further in real estate investing. In this episode, Chaz and Derek discuss the lessons Derek learned after a 5 week vacation from the business, teaching the next generation about finance and ROI, and how to get ahead of potential business issues. Tune in now to absorb Derek’s years of experience in the real estate industry so you can grow your business today! During this episode, you will learn about;
[01:29] Intro to Derek and his business[07:31] Why Derek continues to push[11:06] A good decision Derek made[13:32] How Derek was able to relinquish control[17:29] A bad decision Derek made[19:57] Derek’s approach to decision-making[28:20] If Derek could track one metric, what would it be?[30:50] Derek’s book recommendations[32:14] Derek’s thoughts on networking[37:06] If Derek lost it all, what would he do?[38:41] How to connect with Derek[41:57] How to connect with Chaz and info on the GTK 90 day intensive
Notable Quotes
“My personal vision is time with my family, time with my wife and my kids. We pass up opportunities that could add more zeros to the bank account on a weekly, monthly basis.” - Derek Dombeck
“Most business owners are always playing from behind.” - Derek Dombeck
“If I was a brand new listener to your show, just getting into real estate, banks would be my last option, not my first.” - Derek Dombeck
“It's about leaving that legacy for our kids and not having them squander it.” - Derek Dombeck
“I don't wanna burn our kids out in real estate; I just wanna show them what's possible.” - Derek Dombeck
“It's okay that we toot the horn a little differently because guess what? It's working.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“I still want to reach and meet the better version of me.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“I'm unemployable at this point.” - Derek Dombeck
Books and Resources Recommended:
Pitch Anything by Oren Klaffhttps://www.amazon.com/Pitch-Anything-Innovative-Presenting-Persuading/dp/0071752854
Flip the Script by Oren Klaffhttps://www.amazon.com/Flip-Script-Getting-People-Think/dp/052553394X/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1669486111&sr=1-2
Let’s Connect!
Derek Dombeck:Website: https://www.ibuyhouseswi.com/Business Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ibuyhouseswiFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/derek.dombeckLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/de....rek-dombeck-0246b323 derek@bestreifunding.comMastermind Website: