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Email: Uncommonpodcast@outlook.comFacebook: @UncommonPODTwitter: @UncommonPCInstagram: @dustin.duff @Bpop80 Gettr: @DuffdbGab: @Duffdb#UNCOMMONPODCAST Clips:Tucker on “Stealing Elections”https://gettr.com/post/p1vkyomd3ceABC GMA - anchor Karen Travers - halt to student loan forgivenesshttps://noagendaassets.com/enc..../1666561867.436_abcg and oil reserveshttps://noagendaassets.com/enc..../1666561926.58_biden Evening - anchor Ramiane Encinco (1) lizz truss out (Ties with final clip)https://noagendaassets.com/enc..../1666561901.311_cbse guy complains about authoritarian bullshit (Ending clip- this is coming here!)https://noagendaassets.com/enc..../1666561901.311_dutc mocking early votinghttps://twitter.com/patrioticpizzas/status/1584569952031240193?s=12&t=BESlhajbZ_26lBfIE5bo5Q Articles / Docs:Federal appeals court temporarily blocks Biden student debt relief plan Sarah ElbeshbishiUSA TODAY (10/21/22)https://www.usatoday.com/story..../news/politics/2022/ House to Tap Oil Reserve Again Amid High Fuel Priceshttps://news.yahoo.com/white-h....ouse-planning-oil-re