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Content Warning: Sexual AssaultIn this episode, host Cassandra Ryder explores the dark side of dating by analyzing two bad date stories that involve sexual assault. To contextualize this difficult conversation, research on nonverbal communication, bystander intervention, and dating scripts and expectations is overviewed. Please take care of yourself while listening to this episode. If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual assault and would like support and assistance, please reach out to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network). If you have a bad date story or dating advice question that you want featured and analyzed on a future episode, please email it to thedateescapepodcast@gmail.com.Please consider leaving a rating and review for this podcast wherever you listen, as it helps this podcast reach a larger audience. Thank you in advance for your feedback!Sponsor: Aged & InfusedPodcast website: The Date Escape Podcast