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Weekly Edoverse Insider #37
Shinwa Wise Holdings Co., Ltd (HQ: Ginza, Chuo Ward, Tokyo; CEO Yoichiro Kurata) and Mr. Iehiro Tokugawa, the 19th Head of the Tokugawa Shogunal Household, were excited to create Edo city in metaverse (Edoverse) in athe modern world when both encountered. After the press conference of the project to create Edoverse on February 16th, 2022, we have decided to deliver” Weekly Edoverse Insider” to share the development progress of Edoverse once a week with everyone. ■ About 1:Tokugawa-san’s vision 2:The progress of whole project 3:the progress of technical 4:PR 5:others ■MEMBER Mr.Iehiro Tokugawa・Gen Matsuda ・Mitsushi・Dominic・Okusana(MC) ■Every Tuesday 11:00 (GMT+9)※配信は英語での音声になります。
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