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Wembymania Kicks Off | Wizards Blow It Up | CP3 Wants That Ring
The season is officially over and now all attention begins to turn to next season, with the first stop being the NBA draft. On this weeks show Nic and Row discuss all the fallout of Draft night, including Victor Wembanyama going number 1 and the Thompson twins powering up many peoples draft boards. We also looked at some the major trades to have gone down through the week… with Brad Beal, Kristaps Porzingis and Chris Paul being the names on everyones lips this week. We certainly appreciate all the continued support. The news is unrelenting despite the season being over. To keep up to date with all the latest news from both the NBA and NBL, be sure to follow all of our socials via the link below. https://linktr.ee/TheDailyDrib....ble?utm_source=linkt