Western Rookie - Private Land Hunting Opportunities
On this episode of GOHUNT’s Western Rookie Podcast, Brian talks with friend Nic De Castro on accessing private land with Land Trust’s online marketplace!Nic is the founder of Land Trust, an online marketplace for short term rentals for outdoor recreation on private land all across the US! Land Trust partners interested land owners with outdoor enthusiasts in a simple and easy to understand agreement that bypasses awkard conversations on front porches and getting rejected when asking for permission. Nic and Brian talk about all the opportunities out there that can be accessed with private land, and how getting hunting pressure on private land can help re-distrubte wildlife back onto public land for the hunters that prefer hunting public! Click the link below to check out all the opportunities Land Trust has to offer. www.landtrust.com/a/twobucks https://www.instagram.com/landtrust_hunt/
Connect with Brian Krebshttps://linktr.ee/thewesternrookieHave Questions or Comments? Send an email to Brian@westernrookie.com! Sponsors and Discounts:GOHUNT Insider - $50 Gear Shop Credit with code WESTERNhttps://alnk.to/g3aa8L4GOHUNT Gear Shop – 10% off most items with code WESTERNhttps://alnk.to/e75Pm4uGOHUNT Explorer Mapping Only - $20 Gear Shop Credit with code WESTERNhttps://alnk.to/4BEUo3xSave $150 on Steelhead Outdoors Gun Safes with code WESTERNROOKIEhttps://tr.ee/fbNvbFXX6QSave10% on Maverick Hunting Blinds & Accessories with code WESTERNROOKIEhttps://tr.ee/vWHcxHKo4u
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