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What Happened To Mitrice Richardson?
Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron:https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcaseInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://bit.ly/3gtRvy8 FM Free Music Download: https://hypeddit.com/40qrzq Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://hypeddit.com/track/vm0bx3Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio----- On the night of September 17, 2009, Mitrice Richardson disappeared without a trace. Mitrice, a 24-year-old graduate from Cal State Fullerton, had been released from jail at the Malibu-Lost Hills sheriff's station around midnight, without any of her belongings except the clothes she wore. Stranded with no money, purse, cell phone, or means of transportation, she had no way to make her way home. Despite that, her family would make a gruesome discovery in an isolated area more than 6 miles away from the patrol station.
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