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What is the FED
Welcome to "The Neighborhood Sellers" podcast with your hosts Sasha and Nico Attanasio! In today's episode, we have special guests Dan "Borti" Greco and Jess Silva from Carnegie Mortgage, joining us to delve into the fascinating world of finance and lending.In this insightful conversation, Sasha, Nico, Dan, and Jess tackle the topic of the Federal Reserve (FED) and its impact on the housing market. They unravel the complex workings of the FED, shedding light on its role in influencing interest rates, mortgage rates, and overall economic stability.But that's not all! The conversation expands beyond the FED, as they explore various lending options available to prospective homebuyers and sellers. From traditional mortgages to alternative lending approaches, they provide valuable insights and tips for navigating the lending landscape.Moreover, "The Neighborhood Sellers" podcast wouldn't be complete without discussing current events and sports. Sasha and Nico, together with their guests, sprinkle in engaging discussions about the latest happenings, keeping you up-to-date while adding a touch of entertainment to the episode.Whether you're a seasoned real estate professional, a first-time homebuyer, or simply interested in understanding the financial dynamics of the housing market, this episode is a must-listen. Join Sasha, Nico, Dan, and Jess on "The Neighborhood Sellers" as they bring you expert knowledge, engaging conversations, and a delightful blend of current events and sports commentary.Tune in and get ready to enhance your understanding of the FED, lending options, and much more!