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when things don't go as planned
hellothis one is recorded in my car. a little change of scenery. in this episode, we revisit one of gemini babe’s early topics: when things don’t go as planned. originally, i wanted to try out a spitball episode, where i go through a list i had conjured up in my little notebook. hot seat style. but this isn’t a hot seat. it’s a podcast. so i ended up rambling and the entire episode just became a “when things don’t go as planned” one. which is fine. just means more episodes since we’ve got a whole list to get through. as stated in the original episode description, “i talk about when things don't go as planned in life. i touch on what's been going on in the past year for me including new york, art school, as well as how to learn+grow from your experiences and going easy on yourself when it's a little rough out there”.just a reminder to slow down and be present.