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When things seem to go wrong
If you or someone you know is needing help processing a rough period in their life, please reach out to me for help.<br/><br/>Christine Crise is a Master Certified Confidence Coach. She helps heart-centered entrepreneurs develop strong self-confidence so that they can consistently and authentically achieve success and freedom doing what they love. <br/><br/>She is also the Author of the Best Seller, Break the Cycle with Your Mother: Best practices When Your Past Stands in the Way of Your Success. <br/><br/>EMAIL:<br/>christine@newbranchlifecoaching.com <br/><br/>FACEBOOK GROUP:<br/>https://www.facebook.com/groups/selfesteemtruths<br/><br/>SCHEDULE A FREE SESSION:<br/>https://newbranchlifecoach.clientsecure.me/<br/><br/>Book:<br/>https://www.amazon.com/Break-Cycle-Your-Mother-Practices/dp/B09CDLKSKT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=I5PU1QZBUNQM&keywords=break+the+cycle+with+your+mother&qid=1648468267&s=books&sprefix=break+the+cycle+with+your+mother%2Cstripbooks%2C75&sr=1-1