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World News On Abuse - Child Abuse
Child abuse is now endemic, as can be noted from today's episode and news reel. From the Philippines to Switzerland, Australia, Netherlands and Germany. The impact of world cup and football tournaments on child abuse / domestic abuse as relayed by United Kingdom government data & NSPCC.contact us @ Rising Above Shadows of Abuse Email: risingaboveshadowsofabuse@gmail.comTo contribute, use #participation to be a guest, # feedback or comment on the subject title.To share your story on the podcast, kindly send an email to: risingaboveshadowsofabuse@gmail.com - using #STORY for subject title.Kindly leave a review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/....podcast/rising-above RASA Podcast on social media.Twitter: https://twitter.com/risinaboveabuseTikTok: https://tiktok.com/risingabove....shadowsofabuseYouTub https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UColB9fTRkBSuon4lf https://patreon.com/risingaboveshadowsofabuse