Rabbi Lavian
Rabbi Lavian

Rabbi Lavian




Born and raised in Iran, Rabbi Lavian has since devoted his life to learning and spreading Torah to New York’s bustling Jewish communities. Since completing his studies in the Rabbinical College of America, under the tutelage of Rabbi Wilshansky Shlit”a, Rabbi Lavian has dedicated his time and efforts to promote the growth of Torah study. He received Semicha in Rabbanut from Hagaon Rav Pinchas Hiurshprung זצ״ל, from Canada, and Hagaon Rav Yisrael Pikarsky זצ״ל. Rabbi Lavian also received his Sepharadic Semicha from Harav Eliyahu Ben Haim Shlit”a. For over two decades, Rabbi Lavian has served the congregation of Kehilat Shaarei Tshuva...

Gender: Male