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10: The 5 Hormones Every Woman in Midlife Should Know About
Your hormones.Maybe they feel a little out of control right now.And maybe it's because you're experiencing hot flashes, migraines, sleep issues, digestive problems, brain fog, and more.Well, your hormones don't have to just happen to you.You can do simple things to help them out.And today, I'll talk to you about 5 hormones I think every woman over 40 should know about, and how you can create a smoother menopause transition just by knowing how to impact them in a positive way.I hope you find this episode helpful and motivating.Thanks for listening and if you'd like to know more about working with me, visit me at www.debbieharbeccoaching.com or @debbieharbec on Instagram.Music Credit:Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/hartzmann/sunnyLicense code: 8IEJIZYHBOCC8EWB