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100th episode special
In the 100th episode this week, Cargo Facts Editor Jeff Lee and Associate Editors Andrew Crider and Robert Luke discuss a conversion milestone for Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW), a new 737-800BCF operator in Turkey and MD-11 retirements.This week marked EFW’s fiftieth redelivery of its latest generation of Airbus conversions with an A330-300P2F for DHL Express. EFW has redelivered seventeen A330-300P2Fs, nine A330-200P2Fs and twenty-four A321-200P2Fs and A320-200P2Fs, the STC holder confirmed to Cargo Facts.
ULS Airlines Cargo in Turkey made the decision to add 737-800BCFs, notable given the airline’s previous interest to add A321s. The acquisition is a sign that 737-800 freighters are more readily available.
Lastly, FedEx and UPS continue to send MD-11Fs to Victorville for storage or retirement, marking the impending end of an era for the three-engined aircraft among legacy carriers.
The editors end by looking ahead to the second half of 2023.
Tune in for a discussion of these topics and more for the week ending June 9, 2023.