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#11: The pep talk you need | Getting out of a rut and boosting your motivation 🤍✨
Hey my lovelies, we have just had one of those weeks where we both need a bit of a pep talk... and chances are you will all need it at some point too. It's totally normal to have those low vibe days or weeks where you feel like you're in a bit of a rut but we are here to help. In this episode we chat about how we get ourselves out of these ruts and start to feel more inspired and motivated and get back to being ourselves. Let us know your thoughts! Make sure to follow us and leave a review if you loved this, we can't wait to chat to you more each week! Get on the Waitlist for The Confidence clique Academy: https://www.the-confidence-cli....que.com/online-acade . For more: https://www.instagram.com/theconfidenceclique_/