1420 No Space Satan

0 Views· 07/13/23
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You’ve been putting up with crap for entirely too long. It’s exhausting and overwhelming you. It has zapped your energy, stolen your peace, and robbed you of your joy. You’ve literally been living in torment because you don’t recognize the attacks of the enemy of your soul. And because you don’t recognize this crap as his crap, you don’t know how to battle it. And when you don’t battle it and decide to just live with it, you don’t live well. You live far below your God given potential. You live less than you could be living. You experience less joy than you could have. The light you could be in this world is dimmed. The purposes you’re here to fulfill are left undone. Why? Because you’re putting up with crap instead of addressing it. You’re enduring the attack instead of fighting back. It’s time God’s girls get fired up about this. I’m suggesting you get highly peee-oh-ddd about what enemy has been trying to do to you. I really wanted to say get pissed off, but ya know hate mail and all,I don’t have time for that today, so I’ll leave that there. Why do you take the nasty insults from Hell and accept them as your truth? Why would you believe you’re not good enough? Why would you entertain the suggestion that God is against you? Why would you assume you’re broken and can never be whole? Why would you think your best days are already behind you? Why would you settle for believing you can never change and this will never get better? Let me tell you why you would do that. Because it’s what has been poking at you your entire life. It’s been the continual whisper planting seeds of doubt and feelings of hopelessness. And you’ve been hearing it so long that it’s become normal. It’s normal for you to feel like this. It’s normal for your mind to be filled with these negative thoughts. It’s normal for you to talk yourself out of doing what you said you would do. It’s normal for you to end your days disappointed. Have you been putting up with what you’re suppose to shut down? May I remind you, the enemy talked to Jesus too. Satan tried to get in his head. He whispered lies to plant doubts. But Jesus didn’t put up with it, and neither should we! Jesus fought back, and so should we. How did he fight back? How did he shut down the devil, and evict him from the thoughts in his head? Let’s read the story. Matthew 4: 1-11, “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” Why would God’s Spirit lead Jesus to this place for the purposes of being tempted by the devil? This was intentional. This was set up. Why? God was showing you and I, his beloved girls, precisely how to handle the poking and prodding for ourselves. He didn’t say, “do it like I say”, instead he said, “watch Jesus and he will show you how.” So, watch Jesus and see how to fight back and shut the enemy down in your life. Verse 2-3 says, “After fasting forty days and forty nights, Jesus was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” This is a warning. When does the tempter come? When you are weak. When you are tired. When you are hungry. When you are lonely. When you are alone in your thoughts and in your feelings. And what does he tempt you with? Freaking bread. I love bread! You will be tempted with the very thing that comes between you and the purposes of your life. Jesus was fasting and connecting with God, so food is offered to distract him. Maybe food distracts you too, because it keeps you stuck in a life where you don’t feel good, don’t look good, and don’t act good. He gets a whole lot of us with food, so we’re tripped up with being unhealthy and unhappy. He also trips us up with fear, laziness, busyness. Honey, if he can keep you distracted, he wins. Sure he will offer you bread, or addictive scrolling, or alcohol, or pills, or never ending Netflix series, or toxic relationships, or a demanding work

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