#150 Interview with Beauty Coach and Reiki Master Healer Lulu-Lee
=================================================================== My podcasts target left-brained types like me, whose rigid view of life restricts us from considering things outside the tightly organized spiritual paradigm we either grew up with or built for ourselves. Follow my podcasts to discuss serious topics like grief, human suffering, prayer, religion, and spiritual practices. I also cover things that I used to consider craziness or “woo-woo” such as: meditation, manifestation, spiritualism, spiritual awakening, reincarnation, past-life regression, the channeling of spirits and aliens (seriously…), soul groups, astrology, and even Chinese fortune cookies! Mike Website: https://mikenicholas.com<br /> Email: mike@mikenicholas.com<br /> YouTube Channel: @mikenicholas-unleashed<br /> YouTube Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@MikeNicholas-unleashed/podcasts<br /> All Links: bit.ly/m/MikeNicholas-links The post #150 Interview with Beauty Coach and Reiki Master Healer Lulu-Lee appeared first on The Soul Unleashed Podcast.