151: Ben Shapiro Is Coming to Calgary | ft. Stephanie Fennelly
Ben Shapiro is quite possibly the most recognizable conservative voice and face on the airwaves today, and he is officially coming to Calgary November 16th, 2023!To breakdown this exciting announcement Cam is joined by Stephanie Fennelly, Executive Director of The Wilberforce Project, Alberta's Pro-Life Political group, who are hosting this incredible event. In the episode, they talk how to get tickets, how Ben will empower attendees to launch, deepen, or renew their dedication to cultural transformation, particularly on the issue of abortion.For tickets or more event information go to: www.benshapirolive.caFor more information about The Wilberforce Project, go to: www.thewilberforceproject.ca/For more PLG podcast content, go to: www.prolifeguys.comRemember to like, subscribe, and share PLG podcast on your favorite podcatcher, check us out on social media, and subscribe to our YouTube channel at: www.youtube.com/@TheProLifeGuysPodcast