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152. Jordan Montgomery: World-Class Performance Coach and Keynote Speaker | Leadership and Life-Lessons
In this episode, Coach P speaks with Jordan Montgomery, Founder of Montgomery Companies. Jordan is a world-class keynote speaker and performance coach, working with elite athletes, executives of Fortune 500 companies, and salespeople. During the conversation, Jordan tells of his background, opportunities, losses, and rebounding from tough times. Jordan is one of the great young thought leaders of this time, and his words are filled with wisdom and passion. You're going to want to take notes for this one. So grab your pen, paper, and let's go! You can learn more about Jordan and reach out at the link below. Montgomery Companies | Speaking | Coaching | Iowa City, IA | USA *** If you enjoy Coach P's Perspective Podcast, please consider doing a few things: Subscribe and give the show a 5-star rating on the platform you use to listen. Write a review of what you love about the show. Please share the episode with your friends via text, social media, etc. Thank You, and much love! *** You can purchase Coach P’s best-selling book, “Game Changing Moves” HERE. *** Be sure to connect with Coach P on his Website and Social Media for more inspirational messages: Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/coachchadparks Travel Advisor, specializing in Disney: Laurie Parks laurieparks25@gmail.com Sponsors: True Classics https://trueclassictees.com/COACHP25 (Use the code COACHP25 for a 25% discount on all True Classic products.) Titan Nutrition https://titannutrition.net/coachp (Use the code “coachp” for a 10% discount and free shipping on all Titan Nutrition Products) Home | BUBS Naturals (Use the code COACHP20 for a 20% discount on all Bubs Naturals Products.) *** Are you interested in having your company featured on the podcast? Please e-mail Coach Chad Parks at coachchadparks@gmail.com *** Intro music by Gerald Gray, aka Twish Foaves. You can follow Twish Foaves at: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twishfoaves/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChristStillLives Music: https://www.reverbnation.com/twishfoaves https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/0ihETkx53RJujUl0nX *** Champion Athletes Nutrition Website: http://champion-athletes.com/ Phone: 1-800-324-1447 https://www.instagram.com/championathletes Receive $50 off your initial program with the code: COACH P *** Get a Strong and Healthy Neck! Iron Neck Training | Neck Exercise Machine & Strengthening Equipment (iron-neck.com) Use the code CHADP for a 15% discount. *** Do you like shoes? Check out my friends over at Flux Footwear! https://fluxfootwear.com/?rfsn=6411829.f9ad23 Use the code COACHP10 for a 10% discount.