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161: Calm Business Misconceptions
In a world where everyone talks about disruption and hustling, the concept of a calm business can seem out of place or even naive. How can you compete with people who spend 80 hours a week working in their businesses —publicly boasting about their so-called "grindset"— when you treat your fledgling business as a side project that you only work on in the evenings?For many entrepreneurs, calmness is a pipe dream—a nice fantasy but impossible to accomplish.As you can probably imagine, I beg to differ. Running a calm business is definitely possible, and the perception of it being a flawed concept
often lies in a few myths and wrongful assumptions that I want to debunk today.- Calm Business Misconceptions- Find your Following, my Twitter course — now with Find your Following Essentials, the 7-day Twitter crash course
- Zero to Sold & The Embedded Entrepreneur, my books on entrepreneurshipThis episode is sponsored by MicroAcquire.
You can also watch this episode as a video on YouTube.