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#19 - Dr Steven Steer - The Present and Future of Secure Data Governance
In the latest BimTube podcast episode, we converse with Dr. Steven Steer, an expert in data governance with two decades of expertise. Dr. Steer has a comprehensive background in the energy sector, having served in roles such as data scientist, data engineer, and governance specialist at leading entities, notably Ofgem, the UK's energy regulator. He champions the use of data to enhance decisions and foster innovation.Episode Highlights:The necessity of data governance for data security, precision, and dependability.Acquiring support for governance initiatives can be intricate due to the shift it demands in thinking.Demonstrating the significance of data governance to stakeholders can be facilitated using use cases.Multiple data set varieties must be assessed for a robust data governance structure.<br/>For a deeper dive into the topic, tune into the BIMTube podcast.About Dr. Steven Steer:<br/>With a myriad of roles under his belt, Dr. Steer's contributions are manifold. His independent platform, https://economic-architecture.notion....., melds his expertise in data, policy, and digital engineering. He has been pivotal in large-scale projects like the UK's standard for open data, the "Modernising Energy Data" programme, and the UK Energy Digitalisation Taskforce's governance solution. Dr. Steer’s accomplishments also touch on the technical front, aiding the UK's energy digitalisation strategy. His academic foundation in energy economics and nuclear physics is reflected in over 70 scholarly articles. He is recognized as a chartered physicist.Connect with Steven: LinkedIn<br/>References:Helm ReportOfgemData Best Practice & Digitalisation StrategyCommon Information Model & Development StatementIcebreaker OneEnergy Data TaskforceEnergy Digitalisation TaskforceEconTalk podcastLinked dataNational Underground Asset RegisterEnergy Systems Catapult - EDTFEnergy Systems Catapult - EDiTTags: #BimTubePodcast, #StevenSteer, #DataGovernance, #DataSecurity, #EnergySector, #Ofgem, #EnergyDigitalisation, #CharteredPhysicist.Support the showBimTube's Mission We want to build everyone’s digital knowledge with content and conversations to inspire and instigate 'Better Information Management' to enable - better decisions, better infrastructure, better services and better outcomes for our social, economic and environmental infrastructure. More podcasts: http://bim.tube