19 Moksha Purusharthas Part-06

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Gita For Life
Gita For Life
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Chapter -23<br/>कर्मयोग (Karmayoga), a central teaching of Brahmleen Samvit Somgiri Ji Maharaj, is deeply rooted in the wisdom of ancient Indian scriptures, particularly the Bhagavad Gita. It is the path of selfless action in which an individual performs their duties without being attached to the results. This approach helps purify the mind, attenuate the influence of karma, and fosters spiritual growth and liberation.<br/>सर्वकर्माण्यपि सदा कुर्वाणो मद्व्यपाश्रयः।मत्प्रसादादवाप्नोति शाश्वतं पदमव्ययम्॥<br/>Sarvakarmāṇyapi sadā kurvāṇo madvyapāśrayaḥ |Matprasādādavāpnoti śāśvataṁ padamavyayam ||<br/>(Performing all actions while taking refuge in Me, one attains the eternal, imperishable abode by My grace.)<br/>To delve deeper into कर्मयोग (Karmayoga), let's explore some key principles and aspects from the teachings of Brahmleen Samvit Somgiri Ji Maharaj:<br/>निष्काम कर्म (Niṣkāma Karma): This principle emphasizes the importance of performing actions selflessly, without any expectation of personal gain or reward. Practicing Niṣkāma Karma helps to cultivate a selfless attitude, which in turn minimizes the influence of karma on one's life.<br/>स्वधर्म (Svadharma): Svadharma refers to the unique duties and responsibilities of an individual based on their life stage, social position, and personal abilities. Understanding and adhering to one's Svadharma helps maintain balance and harmony in life.<br/>समर्पणभाव (Samarpaṇabhāva): This principle entails the attitude of surrendering the results of one's actions to the divine. By cultivating this attitude, one can eliminate ego and reduce the burden of karma.<br/>सेवा (Sevā): Offering selfless service to others is an essential aspect of Karmayoga. It helps purify the mind and promote spiritual growth.<br/>साधारण धर्म (Sādhāraṇa Dharma): Universal moral principles, such as non-violence, truthfulness, and compassion, should be followed by all individuals, irrespective of their personal Svadharma.<br/>बुद्धियोग (Buddhiyoga): This concept emphasizes the importance of using one's intellect and discernment while performing actions. By acting with a clear understanding of right and wrong, one can avoid accumulating negative karma.<br/>यदा ते मोहकलिलं बुद्धिर्व्यतितरिष्यति।तदा गन्तासि निर्वेदं श्रोतव्यस्य श्रुतस्य च॥<br/>Yadā te mohakalilaṁ buddhirvyatitariṣyati |Tadā Tadā gantāsi nirvedaṁ śrotavyasya śrutasya ca ||<br/>(When your intellect crosses beyond the mire of delusion, you will achieve a state of dispassion towards what has been heard and what is yet to be heard.)<br/>In conclusion, the teachings of Brahmleen Samvit Somgiri Ji Maharaj on कर्मयोग (Karmayoga) emphasize the importance of performing selfless actions and fulfilling one's duties without attachment to the results. By embracing the principles of Niṣkāma Karma, Svadharma, Samarpaṇabhāva, Sevā, Sādhāraṇa Dharma, and Buddhiyoga, an individual can progress on the path of spiritual growth, ultimately attaining self-realization and liberation.<br/>Karmayoga, as a path of selfless action, encourages the practitioner to cultivate virtues such as detachment, humility, and compassion, while continuously striving to improve their understanding of the nature of reality. By integrating these principles into daily life, one can experience profound spiritual transformation and a deepening connection with the divine.<br/><br/>All by the grace of Guru ji, <br/>Brahmleen Sant Samvit Somgiri Ji Maharaj.

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