191: 5 Signs You Need to Increase Your Prices (Even if You’re Scared)

0 Views· 11/20/22

You can always choose to increase your prices whenever you like. Yes, whenever you like!You don’t have to wait for a sign from the universe or someone like me telling you it’s time to increase your prices.But, there are five key signs that you’re ready to increase. Let’s dive in.#1 You’re getting really booked out.

Being booked out doesn’t necessarily mean that you have millions of clients. What’s your version of being booked out?

When I was doing one-to-one coaching, my “booked out” level was around about 15 clients a week. Other coaches I knew could easily handle 100 clients a week.Yours is whatever feels right for you and right now, you might feel that you’re feeling a little busy.Guess what? Pricing is all about supply and demand.If you have a lot of people clamoring for your services, chances are you can afford to increase your prices a little bit.It’s natural to be scared.When I started out every time I increased my prices, I would worry, “No-one’s ever going to book with me ever again. I’m never going to have any more clients. EVER”

The truth is that when you have high demand for your services, the market can bear a higher price.The bonus is that you’ll work less and either earn the same or more. And you’ll have more energy to give your all to your clients. And bonus, you might have some creative space to write a book or make something that will serve even MORE people.That’s the first sign you should raise your prices, when you’re getting a bit too busy for comfort.Is that true for you? Yes or no?#2 Clients tell you you’re too cheap.

The second sign (and this is a major one) is when you tell people your prices and they respond…

“Oh, it’s so cheap.”This is particularly true when it comes from potential clients. Nobody wants to be too cheap.When you hear that repeatedly, take it as a massive sign that people have a different perception than you do around your worth.I was chatting to someone I perceived as quite famous. When they told me their prices, I thought, “That doesn’t feel like a good energetic match. I expected you to be a lot more expensive than that.”

It made me second guess their ability.

If people are telling you that repeatedly, listen to them and ask yourself:“Is my pricing a detriment to my brand?”

Remember pricing is not simply the cost of your time, or cost of goods sold.Perception is a huge part of where you position yourself in the market, and WHO you want to attract.So, are people saying things like “Oh, I expected it to be a lot more than that,” it could be time to take action and increase your prices…#3 You’re attracting PAINFUL clients.

If you’re getting a lot of pain in the butt clients who are constantly complaining, trying to negotiate on price, nit-picking with you over different things, and generally making your life hell – that is a HUGE sign that you’re an energetic mismatch to your current pricing.

It’s the Universe’s way of forcing your hand.

If you need help with setting boundaries for clients that are asking for the moon, read my advice on how to stop people pleasing and set healthy boundaries around your time and energy. Book my time. https://www.soulrichwoman.com/clarityYou deserve to have clients who gladly pay you for what you do.When you’re too cheap, (and this is the paradox), you think, “I’m over delivering so much and I’m trying to make it so affordable. Wh

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